Who Are We

team Imboorling: Sandy Snoeck, Frederik Imbo, Merel De Vleeschouwer, Gilles Delvaulx, Marianne Cap

Imboorling inspires and motivates to communicate better

Imboorling - founded in 1999 by Frederik Imbo - strengthens your resilience and social skills. Our Imboorlings stimulate you in a fresh way. The goal? Better face-to-face communication. We share our expertise through inspiration sessions, training and coaching. Together we go for more impact, both verbally and mentally. We practice what we preach. And we demonstrate how to be positive in life, communicate in a connecting way, consult efficiently, present convincingly or work on assertiveness.

Our Imboorlingen

We contribute to personal growth

Working on your communication? That means creating a better version of yourself. More conscious, stronger, happier. Brighter and more open-minded. Boosting your self-confidence, giving you more impact. Making people really listen. That's where the magic happens! Or better: that's where the connection happens! Because the more you grow, the easier it is to connect with others. The smoother the collaboration runs. The faster you get things done. The sky becomes the limit and you gain wings.

Personal growth means growth for your organization

Investing in communication and wellness within your organization pays off. It really does. Because those who feel heard and seen perform better. Thus, communication is the glue between employees. Consultation is crucial to achieve the right actions. Smooth cooperation increases trust in each other. Absenteeism and employee satisfaction are also communicating vessels. Are the relationships between consultation, cooperation, satisfaction ... good? Then better results automatically follow. Whether you work for a local government, a corporate company, a school or a small SME ... Connecting communication is key. More than ever.

Social skills are a must for self-directed teams

A vertical hierarchy? Tight instructions from above? It doesn't work that way anymore. Just ask Generation Z. Start from equality, ensure participation and involvement and only then will you get things done. This is how you create self-regulating teams with sufficient freedom. Teleworking at home or coworking at the office island. The hybrid job fulfillment, you know. But such a self-managing team doesn't come naturally. To prevent it from flaming out, it's best to invest in social skills. How: Invest in interaction, resilience and connection. That's how you get a strong team that works together. A collective of people who trust each other. And brilliant results.

Interactive, safe and playful at Imboorling

Learning to communicate takes time, practice and new insights. We can tell you that with certainty, after more than 20 years of experience. Our Imboorlingen continue to raise the bar with mindblowing inspiration sessions, out-of-the-box training or intensive customized coaching. Live if you can. Online if you have to. Our key word? Interaction. In dialogue with each other and everyone equal. Whether you are CEO, floor manager or executive worker ... Makes no difference to us. We get everyone involved. "Even Bert who is never enthusiastic?" Yes, even the Bert from your team. Because we lure everyone out of their cubicles in a refreshing, inspiring and slightly naughty way. Playful, safe and profound. Professional and driven. That is Imboorling. Strong in connection.

From a fixed mindset to a growth mindset

Away from a fixed mindset, on to a growth mindset. To change within yourself. Self-empowerment. So that you dare to take more responsibility. That is what our eye-openers and concrete tools provide. Pragmatic and practical, we adapt our story to your audience. With recognizable situations. So that it comes in, really sticks. So that you are touched and feel everything. Emotion comes not for nothing from the Latin "emovere," which means "to move outward. Only when people feel something at what we are offering them can they move. That is the only way a lasting change in attitude or behavior is possible.

Our principles

Our ideal world? A society where people live by certain principles. Profound truths. At least, for us. Because you can't prove principles. You believe in them ... or not. Principles point you in the direction of becoming the person you want to be. A more mature and valuable version of yourself. Now, we are humanists who believe in self-empowerment, the power of positivity and the effect of a loving attitude. We believe: the more people we inspire with our principles, and the more they act upon them, the faster we transform the world into a beautiful place. A place where harmony, joy and connection flourish. Let's create that place together. And build on this vision toward a better future for ourselves and generations to come.

Our principles

You cannot change the other person. Only how you yourself deal with the other.

You are always responsible for what you do, how you deal with your emotions and for the fulfilment of your needs.

Your model of the world is not how the world is. Not everyone is equal, but everyone is equal. Even if your ego believes otherwise.

The meaning of your communication is not what you as the sender mean, but rather what the other person as the receiver understands.

You will connect more easily if you first want to understand the other person and only then want to be understood.

Communication is not so much about what you say but rather from what intention you do it.

Everything starts with liking yourself. Do you want everyone to have a good time? Then don't forget yourself.

A NO attitude leads to tension. A YES attitude creates relaxation.

Life is a party. You just have to hang the garlands yourself.

Don't treat your neighbour like yourself. Treat your neighbour as they want to be treated.

Always act out of respect. Don't do to others and your environment what you don't want to be done to yourself.

Do you know what happens when you take your life into your own hands? Something awful: you can't blame anyone anymore.

Sustainable happiness is not about getting. It is about giving. Trying to live a valuable and meaningful life.

Vulnerability is disarming. Be open about how you feel and express what you need. It creates connection.

Everyone is the best version of themselves at every moment and acts from a positive intention within a certain consciousness.

Don't take life too seriously. You won't survive anyway.