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Het was fantastisch!

De verwachtingen waren redelijk laag bij het grootste deel van het publiek omdat men een droge uiteenzetting verwachtte en velen bleken nadien echt aangenaam verrast. Het beeldmateriaal zorgde voor een extra touch en grappige noot. 

Marianne heeft dat werkelijk subliem gedaan! Goed ingespeeld op het publiek en ook de ‘gearrangeerde samenwerking’ met een collega was een schot in de roos want velen zijn er ingetrapt.

Karmen Middernacht

Gemeente Wezembeek-Oppem

“We invited Frederik to bring an inspirational session at Skyline and he turned it into a truly memorable experience. Frederik has the ability to connect with the audience and to convey his message with clarity and impact.

His natural charm comes with a ton of useful insights and practical knowledge. The session was extremely well prepared and Frederik, like any good teacher, leaves you with more than just assignments, instead he passes on the spark of passion.”

Frederik Vandenberghe - CFO


Topic: the keynote 'What can I do for you' (on customer-centric communication)

Feedback from the participants:

  • nice overview of customer-oriented communication and mindset with a lot of practical examples
  • Most mentioned things were obvious and intuitive, but in my case these obvious things are often forgotten or not applied. So, for me it was a bit of an eye-opener.
  • [I liked] the way the speaker applied the competencies himself in his session.
  • The ten key competencies were clear and interesting. It's nice having this overview of things I can keep in mind when communicating with a customer.
  • The format of Frederik's presentations are always high quality. I'm a big fan of him. Good content, good interaction, good slides, good examples.
  • He did a good job. It was clearly not the first time he gave this presentation. He was very well prepared and did the effort to also learn a bit about Skyline to adapt the content a little bit to our business. His exercices and "call to action" was good. He encouraged us to participate, but not to a level that we felt uncomfortable.

Skyline Communications

Hereby the team's feedback on the training session we had together :

  • Training is spot on what we expected
  • Very interactive session and authentic with lots of practice of the principles
  • Not that much theory, but good tips & tricks, and that’s surely ok
  • Smooth but very honest and constructive feedback – we were directly set in a safe environment
  • Trainer was very good and living her principles to the fullest

Overall quite positive, and as expected also a kind of team building thanks to the fact we did it together, and in a pleasant atmosphere

Raphael Copis
